![]() Strength 1: 10:00 EMOM 5 - 10 HSPU – Even Min 5 - 10 Strict Pull ups – Even Min Strength 2: 10:00 EMOM 2 reps Back Squat @ 80% MetCon: 21-15-9 Hang Squat Clean Calorie Row Strength Class: Part 1: 15:00 EMOM 3 Reps 1st min: OH Squat 2nd min: Snatch Balance 3rd min: Squat Snatch Part 2: Max UB Strict TTB x3 Max UB TTB x 2
![]() Nukes 8 minutes to complete: 1-mile run 315-lb. deadlifts, max reps Then, 10 minutes to complete: 1-mile run 225-lb. power cleans, max reps Then, 12 minutes to complete: 1-mile run 135-lb. overhead squats, max reps Do not rest between rounds. Post run times and reps completed for each exercise to comments. U.S. Marine Corps Capt. Matthew "Nukes" Manoukian, 29, of Los Altos Hills, Calif., assigned to the 1st Marine Special Operations Battalion, based in Camp Pendleton, Calif., died Aug. 10, 2012, in Sangin District, Afghanistan, after being shot by an Afghan policeman. He is survived by his parents, Socrates Peter and Patricia Manoukian, and his brothers, Mike and Marty Manoukian. ![]() Strength 10:00 EMOM 3 Reps Shoulder Press @ 75% Metcon 1: 8:00 AMRAP Fat bar C&J (110/70) Teams of 3. 1 teammate at a time must run and collect 1 piece of equipment (4 collars, 2 bars, & 4 weight plates [2 - 45’s, 2 - 25’s RX & 2- 25’s, 2 – 10’s] until all is brought back to starting line. At which point the team must complete AMRAP of Clean & Jerk (110/70) until the 8:00 time cap is reached. Once an athlete releases their grip on the bar they may not complete another rep until another athlete has completed at least 1 good rep. MetCon 2: 30 – 20 -10 DB Snatch (65/45) Sit Ups ![]() Strength 15:00 to Find 5RM Snatch MetCon 1: 10 thrusters 135/95 50 double unders 8 thrusters 135/95 40 double unders 6 thrusters 135/95 30 double unders 4 thrusters 135/95 20 double unders 2 thrusters 135/95 10 double unders MetCon 2: 5:00 Max Burpees Strength Class: Back Squat 3 x 5 @ 77.5% 10:00 - Strict Muscle up work Max UB Strict TTB x3 Max UB TTB x 2 |
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