Strength: Back Squat 2-2-2-2 – AMAP @ 95% Men: 5 reps of 315/275/245 Women: 5 reps of 205/185/155 Deadlifts between back squats MetCon: RX Division Partner WOD 21-15-9 reps for time of: Synchronized deadlifts (225/155) Pull-ups (if one partner is done the Pull Ups before the other they must wait before starting next rounds of Deadlifts) Max Muscle Ups to 6:00 CAP MetCon: Masters Division Partner WOD 15-12-7 reps for time of: Synchronized deadlifts (205/135) Pull-ups (if one partner is done the Pull Ups before the other they must wait before starting next rounds of Deadlifts) Max Chest to Bar Pull Ups to 6:00 CAP MetCon: Scaled Division Partner WOD 21-15-9 reps for time of: Synchronized deadlifts (185/115) Ring Rows (if one partner is done the Ring Rows before the other they must wait before starting next rounds of Deadlifts) Max Pull Ups to 6:00 CAP Partner WOD For Time: 50 Synchronized Sit ups (touch hands together at top) 50 Synchronized Push Ups 50 Synchronized Squats Lifting Class: 15:00 Rack Pull 15:00 Snatch Grip Rack Pull 15:00 Zercher Squat Work Up to Heavy (not Max!) double
March 2020
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