Paint, set up pull up system, load weights, unload weights and then play with weights in new building
Two rounds for time of: 50 Pull-ups 75 Sit-ups 75 pound Overhead squat, 50 reps 75 Double-unders Fun! Deadlift 5x5 Then "Grace" 30 - 135/95 Clean & Jerk for time 5 rounds of: 1Min Row 1min HSPU 1min Row 1min Push ups 1 Min Break between rounds Post total Reps & Meters Rowed Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 95 pound Thruster, 5 reps 95 pound Hang Powercleans, 7 reps 95 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps Post Rounds/Reps to Comments 5 rounds for time: Run 400m 20 Burpee Toes to Bar Run 300m 20 Push Ups Let the games begin! Back Squat 5x5 then: Tabata Box Jumps Post weight and reps to comments. Enjoy! 20 min AMRAP
100m KB Farmers Walk (55/35#) 8 - Pull ups 12 - Burpees Enjoy! WOD - Oct 22, 2012
WOD Five rounds for time of: 115/75 pound Push press, 12 reps 40 meter Shuttle sprint 115/75 pound Squat snatch, 8 reps Post Time to Comments. Enjoy! “Tabata That”
8 rounds of 20 seconds work 10 second rest of the following exercises: Squats Row for Calories Sit ups Hip Extensions OH Lunges (45/25) There is a 1 minute break between exercises. Only your lowest score in each exercise counts. Post time to comments. Enjoy! |
March 2020
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