CANADA DAY Strength: 12:00 EMOM 2 Reps Snatch Balance MetCon: Since our Confederation was in 1867: 18:67 AMRAP (aka: 19:07) 18 Pull-ups 67 Squats 18 Ring Dips 67 Sit-ups 18 Burpees 67 KB’s (35/25) 18 TTB 67 Box Jumps (24/20) 18 HSPU 600m run + 70 Double-unders
Strength: 10:00 EMOM 1 Rep Jerk @ 85% (Work on getting low quickly) MetCon 1: Beach Brawl WOD #2 Athlete 1 completes: 210m run Athlete 2 completes: 21 Axle bar Thrusters (95/55)(75/45) Athlete 3 completes: 21 Pull ups (42 Ring Rows) Athlete 1 completes: 15 Burpees over Bar Athlete 2 completes: 15 Axle bar Clean & Jerk (145/85)(95/55) Athlete 3 completes: 15 HSPU (30 Push Ups) Athlete 1 completes: 90 Double Unders Athlete 2 completes: 9 Axle bar Deadlift (235/135)(185/105) Athlete 3 completes: 9 Bar MU’s (18 Toes to Bar) 9:00 CAP MetCon: 2 Beach Brawl WOD #3 Teams of 3 21-18-15-12-9-6 (18-3 for Masters) DB Snatch (65/40)(50/30) Pull ups (Rec = Knee Raises) 8:00 Cap Strength Class: Part 1: 10:00 Strict MU Work Part 2: 10:00 Front Lever work Part 3: 3x 25m Farmers Walk (increase weight 10# from last week) Strength 11:00 EMOM (3 rounds) Bench Press Min 1 - 1 Reps @ 95 Min 2 - 2 Reps @ 90 Min 3 - 3 reps @ 85 Min 4 - Rest MetCon 1: 6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of: Dead Lifts, 365/205 Bench Press, 225/135 Muscle ups Metcon 2: Max effort Hollow Rock (see if you can beat last weeks) Strength Class: Part 1 : 18:00 E2MOM (3 Rounds) 1st min: Snatch Pull (225/155) 2nd min: Clean Pull (315/205) 3rd min: Rack Pull (405/255) Part 2 : 3x Max UB Muscle Ups Part 3: 10 Rounds Weighted box jump (30/24”) (Step down from each jump!) Strength: 24:00 EMOM (3 rounds) Back Squat Min 1 - 1 Reps @ 95 Min 2 - Rest Min 3 - 2 Reps @ 92.5 Min 4 - Rest Min 5 - 3 reps @ 90 Min 6 – Rest Min 7 - 4 Reps @ 85 Min 8 – Rest Metcon : Tabata: Deadlift, (185/125) Box Jump, (24/20) Front Squat, (135/95) Double-Under Complete a full tabata protocol at each station (8 rounds [4 mins] of :20 on, :10 off) before moving to the next station. No extra rest between stations. Post total reps for each station. Strength Class: Part 1: 20:00 E2MOM (5 rounds) 2 Reps of: OH Squat Snatch Balance @ 80% OH Squat weight Part 2: 10:00 Front Lever work Part 3: 3x 25m Farmers Walk Strength 1: 22:00 EMOM (2 rounds) Shoulder Press Min 1 - 1 Reps @ 95 Min 2 - 3 Rest Min 4 – 2 Reps @ 92.5 Min 5 - 6 Rest Min 7 - 3 reps @ 90 Min 8 –9 Rest Min 10 - 4 Reps @ 85 Min 11-12 – Rest MetCon 1: 3:00 CAP 500m row AMRAP Bar Muscle ups Metcon 2: 21-15-9 Burpees to Target (6” higher than reach) Pull Ups 100 Double Unders between rounds Strength 11:00 EMOM (3 rounds) Strict Pull Ups Min 1 - 1 Reps @ 90 Min 2 - 2 Reps @85 Min 3 - 3 reps @ 80 Min 4 - Rest MetCon: For time: Row 2,000 meters 50 wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ball Row 1,000 meters 35 wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ball Row 500 meters 20 wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ball Strength Class: Part 1 : 10:00 EMOM 1-3 Strict or Weighted Muscle Ups Part 2: 10:00 EMOM 5-10 Strict Pull Ups Part 3: 10:00 EMOM 3-7 Strict HSPU |
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